So, you tied the knot and the honeymoon is over…so you ask what is next? Many of us have spent countless hours in a day, days in a week to get all the planning for our wedding day and it is all over in a matter of hours. Looking back, we all sometimes wish we could hit the “Easy” button and have everything magically appear without the countless hours we spent planning. What seemed overwhelming has now become our daily grind. We have become depended upon the pressure, the stress and chaos and now that it is finally over we tend to have issue with transitioning into taking breaks and relaxing.
When we finally take a step back we realize that it only took about thirty-minutes to get married. All the yelling at our loved ones, pulling our hair out and wearing bags under the eyes for months was probably not conducive. We know that our wedding day was magical and a day never to be forgotten, but our life does not end there…it is where the journey begins as husband and wife.
Now, we ask ourselves what’s next? This is when the real marriage begins. Some believe that things don’t change, but they do in so many ways. How do they change you ask? Well, if you are religious and had a religious ceremony than you both have entered into a blood covenant with God. Being married is not a just a piece of paper, but a will to love, to commit, to endure the storm together, to care for each other and to stay true to your covenant in marriage. Always keep in mind that marriage is what we make of it. If we go into this covenant with a generous heart and we are willing to be teachable than we are privileged and destined to succeed. God says that marriage is designed to eliminate loneliness, to help us see our own imperfections and to love as God loves us by giving us his only son to be forgiven for our wrong doings.
Love is a choice, but many will argue it is an emotion. When we choose to love, we bring power to our relationship because we don’t allow our emotions to tangle the true meaning of loving. We make the conscience choice to stay by each other’s side. Emotions will come and go because they are mainly based on our temperament. Emotions can be impulsive, indecisive and most times unpredictable. Choosing who we love and how we love is far deeper than the emotions. When our marriage endures hardship and strife it is choice that determines how we must weather the storm together.
Marriage is no a starter home, so be sure you go into it with the ideas of working towards a harmonious life. Couples believe in the concept that marriage is like a starter home, well like a starter home you can get a newer and bigger home. As for your spouse, there is no such concept. Treat your marriage as if it is the dream home you always wanted and are never willing to move out of.
Being married requires much compassion and thoughtfulness of one another. Always be sure to put your spouse’s needs before yours and above all others. God must be the center of your marriage. Remember that you married another imperfect person and that through your divine love you can jump through almost anything together. Marriage is a manifestation of Unconditional Love when we love the way Christ teaches us.
The wedding was one day and it was magical, beautiful and memorable, but marriage is the remainder of your life, so treat your marriage like you are getting married every day. Don’t let pettiness get in the way. Avoid going to bed angry at one another and most of all stay faithful to God, to your marriage and to your family.