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Why Smart Brides Are Using Travel Advisors To Plan Their Honeymoons

Congratulations, you’re engaged! Being engaged is an exciting, yet daunting, time. There’s so much fun to look forward to, all culminating in the big day, and then – if budget allows – starting your new life with an amazing honeymoon afterwards.

As we all know, planning a wedding is hard work! There are so many details to consider, events to participate in, checklists to keep, people to please, etc. It takes a lot of work and a lot of your time. I promised myself I wouldn’t let it all get to me when I was a bride-to-be, but after a while, it did. This is why many couples hire a wedding planner. Wedding planners are professionals with expert-level knowledge on planning successful and beautiful weddings and take a lot of responsibility off of your plate at the same time.

Wait, I thought this was a post about travel advisors? It is. The point is, if you understand why hiring a wedding planner will make your wedding the best day ever, why wouldn’t you hire a travel advisor to plan your honeymoon? Ah ha!

Yes, travel advisors are still around, still in business, and thriving! The percentage of travelers using a travel advisors grew an average of 53% a year over the last three years, according to a study by the American Society of Travel Agents. Successful agents act a lot like wedding planners – experts in their field, with extensive knowledge about the ins and outs, and people you can trust to make things perfect and easy.

After planning an entire wedding with or without the help of a wedding planner, the last thing you want to do is spend hours researching, planning, and booking a honeymoon.

And why do I keep calling us advisors? Because a good travel advisor isn’t just an agent who makes bookings for you, they are an advisor and trusted consultant.

Need more reasons to use a travel advisor? Here’s a few more:

  1. We can create personalized trips of a lifetime. We don’t sell one-size-fits-all packages, we work very hard to make sure every aspect is customized to every couple’s wishes.
  2. We can save you money and provide better value. Spent too much on the flowers? No worries, travel advisors stretch your budget further by getting you a better values.
  3. We can unclutter the vast internet of choices. Sometimes more information isn’t always better (ahem, looking at you Pinterest). Travel advisors can speak to experiences and destinations with first- and second-hand knowledge, not from strangers on the internet.
  4. We will put our global access and expertise to work for you. Advisors belong to an agency full of other advisors. Agencies belong to a consortia of travel partners from around the globe. We have connections, which means you have connections.
  5. We can get you out of trouble. As with all things – even weddings and honeymoons – something is bound to go wrong. Advisors will fix and adjust your travel plans before you even realize there was a problem.

As a travel advisor, I love helping couples fulfill their honeymoon dreams and create memories and experiences that will last a lifetime. Not sure where to go on your honeymoon? Check out this very un-scientific quiz from BuzzFeed.

For more information on how travel advisors can help make your honeymoon, or any trip, the best it can be, contact me jenniferw@worldtravelservice.com.

Categories: Event Planning, Wedding